It’s been almost 3 months since I posted last. It’s been a hard 3 months. Trying to get over with being done with a disappointing race. Yes, I understand I crossed the finish line, but didn’t make the time. 8 freaking minutes.
I’m done having a pity party and feeling sorry for my crazy life God has given me. I have a wonderful husband that is truly my best friend. Danny pushes me to be the best and we are always on a roller coaster of adventures. In the Tri groups there is a ton of talk about why people Tri (triathletes do Triathlons). I have over the last few months thought many times, why? Why me? What makes me want to get back up after I fall? Many times I have written a blog and not posted it.
Well, I Tri for - ME.
We have had “the Kid” living with us since November 2014 and this week with much emotional exhaustion we let him go back to our son. Training for me keeps me out of some dark places with the Jerry Springer train wreck we have been on. It will be nice to get back to being grandparents again and doing the best we can to help when needed.
The hardest things for both Danny & I was juggling having the “the kid” with a 6 days of training. The team we train with is a good 45 minutes away. Trying to get off work and get to the practices have been hard. It had come to only one of us going at a time or wait till “the kid” went to see one of his parents for the weekend. I understand why most couples only have one person training at a time.
The last three months: I took a month off to have a good 30 day cry and pity party with very few days of any training. Danny was much better at staying the course. I had a week that I traveled for work and I did find time to swim and run but not much more. I came home for a 2 day work week and then off to a trip to Las Vegas. Vegas was a much needed trip for us to have a good time and try and not worry about the future. Danny signed us up for a 10k while in Vegas and even though I bitched about doing it. We had a blast and Danny came in 2nd in his age group. I was able to spend time with my sister and brother in law that I don’t see enough. Our youngest got a dream trip of a lifetime that we were blessed to give him.
Present Day: 4th of July was yesterday and we spent it with many of our teammates. The question today as I was thinking about yesterday.
I Tri because:
* I love to do this with Danny
* I love the team, we are a part of
* My dark days are less and less
* Every day I like myself more and more
* Proving just how badass I can be is pretty cool
Yesterday, while everyone else is getting their hangover on I was sitting in a hot tub planning next year races. This is what happens when you hang out with your teammates. 2016 is going to be a great year for Danny & me. I can’t wait to see what happens……. First up Redman 70.3
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