Saturday, February 21, 2015

Here I go again

 Here I go again.  Now I have that goofy song in my head.

Since thanksgiving I've really been struggling with health issues. I'm not normally a sickly person, consequently it seems this year's bipolar weather is kicking my butt. I have gone from going to my doctor's office once a year to every month. I keep telling them "I don't have time for this, I have a race to train for" This week, I finally broke down and went to see a specialist. 

Training, it's going acceptable, even with all the coughing and little sleep. I have surprised myself getting almost all of my training sessions done in the week. The weather has been beautiful one day 70* then change crazy low the next 30*. Today we are in the 60* and tomorrow they are calling for snow/ice. No wonder I've been sick Weekly training, we get a list of training sessions to do over the course of the week.

Coach Mike has team goals & challenges that I try honestly hard to complete. The crazy thing is everything you do or don't do turns a color. Red-didn't do, Yellow- partly did, Green- great job! Learning the tough way, if you do too much it turns yellow. The goal for this week is 100% green. I am a work in progress trying to grasp that goal. 

The day I went to the doctor I came home and ran 3 miles, then jumped on the bike for an hour ride. The primary thing I've learned about my strength over this year is higher than I thought. I'm just rolling to keep moving to reach my goal. I'm stronger than I ever estimated in myself.

Keep moving, ironmears 70.3.
Pamela 💋

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